ecc debt retirement

Early Childhood Center Debt Retirement Program

Give to the past, present and future of St. Paul.

Here's some great information about how the ECC Debt Retirement Program is working.  We originally took our 20 year building loan out in November of 2015.  

56 months later, we have been blessed through monthly payments and special gifts and are left with a debt of $160,263.97!

YOU READ IT CORRECTLY - IT'S ONLY BEEN 56 MONTHS AND WE OWE LESS THAN $161,000 ON a $2,000,000 20 year loan!! 

Through generous gifts, monthly payments, and additional debt retirement payments meant to pay down the principal, we have saved over $1,389,412 in interest payments.   

We are continuing our efforts to reduce our payments and the Debt Retirement Program is doing just that.  If you are able to help in our efforts, please consider using one of the methods below.  Any gift, large or small, given towards paying off our remaining loan principle amount is greatly appreciated.  As always - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND GOD'S BLESSINGS!


  1. On-line - CLICK HERE FOR THE EASY TITHE GIVING PAGE. You will need to create an account if you haven't already. 
  2. Mail or drop-off a check at the Church Office. 
  3. Include in your offering envelope and indicate - ECC Debt Retirement

Starting Mortgage Value                   (11/20/2015):   $2,000,000

AMOUNT PAID off of Principal            (7/20/2020):   $1,839,736

Mortgage Value                                       (7/20/2020):    $160,264

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops;”

Proverbs 3:9